Basicamente la migracion anual de las ballenas es una cuestion de presupuesto energetico; durante el invierno polar las aguas se vuelven muy frias y su productividad disminuye consideradamente. Las ballenas gastarian una enorme cantidad de energia para mantener sus funciones metabolicas a una temperatura constante (36° C), energia que no podrian recuperar con el escaso alimento disponible.
La migracion ofrece la alternativa de permanecer durante varios meses en aguas mas calidas, gastando menos energia para regular su temperatura corporal y en su lugar utilizarla en la reproduccion. Al nacer las crias en aguas calidas tambien aprovechan mejor la energia obtenida de la leche de la madre, rica en proteinas y grasa, para crecer rapidamente. Las aguas tropicales ofrecen ademas mayor proteccion contra predadores como orcas y tiburones grandes, que son menos abundantes en los tropicos y mayor peligro para las crias.
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Basically, annual migration of whales is a metter of energy budgeting; during the polar winter the waters turn very cold and the whale's productivity diminishes considerably. The whales would spend an enormous amount of energy to maintain their metabolic functions at a constant temperature (36°C/96.8 F), and they could not replenish that energy with the scare amount of food available. Migration offers the alternative to remain in warmer waters for several months, wasting less energy to regulate their body temperature and using it instead for reproduction. When the calves are born in warmer waters they can also make better use of the energy obtained from the mother's milk, rich in proteins and fats, to grow faster. Tropical waters also offer better protection against predators like killer whales and big sharks, which are the offspring's greatest danger and are less common in the tropics.